Thursday, 8 March 2012

08.03.2012 - APV

21.00: Some participants went to visit the volunteers accommodation in Bradford.

19.00: Dinner in Thorner.

17.30: Visit the Festival Site

16.30: Visit of Everything is Possible office.

15.30: Visit of Re-Work, another partner involved in the Leeds Festival project.

13.00: Lunch time

11.30: Meeting at Hinsley Hall: information about the volunteering project at Leeds Festival.

10.30: Visit long term volunteers Accommodation.

9.00: Breakfast and visit in Saint Georges Crypt, one of our partner during the Leeds Festival.
Last year, they appeared on the video created by Everything is Possible to encourage festival goers to donate their camping equipment at the end of the festival.

8.30 : Our participants begin the day with a walk in Leeds to our partner Saint Georges Crypt.

07.03.2012 - APV - Arrival of our partners